
انضم إلى فريقنا وساهم في بناء مستقبل التكنولوجيا

هل أنت مستعد للانضمام إلى فريق يعيد تعريف التكنولوجيا؟

في QOAD، نحن لا نصنع برمجيات فقط، بل نبني المستقبل. إذا كنت شغوفًا بالتطوير، التصميم، أو حل المشكلات، فهنا المكان الذي تزدهر فيه أفكارك وتُحدث أثرًا حقيقيًا.

لماذا تنضم إلينا؟

  • مشاريع تغير العالم التكنولوجيا: اعمل معنا على حلول مبتكرة تُستخدم عالميًا وتُحدث فرقًا حقيقيًا في عالم البرمجيات.
  • نمو مستمر: نحن نؤمن بقدراتك وندعم تطورك. تعلم مهارات جديدة، وحقق تقدمًا مهنيًا مع فرص لا حدود لها.
  • مرونة العمل: اختر أسلوب العمل الذي يناسب حياتك مع خيارات العمل عن بُعد وساعات مرنة. نؤمن أن الراحة تخلق الإبداع.
  • فريق عالمي متنوع: انضم إلى عقول مبدعة من كل مكان، وكن جزءًا من بيئة تعزز التعاون والشغف.

في QOAD، نجعل أفكارك واقعًا يُحدث تغييرًا حقيقيًا.

الوظائف الحالية

مدير مبيعات


  • وضع وتنفيذ خطة مبيعات استراتيجية تهدف إلى توسيع قاعدة العملاء وزيادة الانتشار العالمي للشركة.
  • الاجتماع مع العملاء المحتملين وبناء علاقات طويلة الأمد تلبي احتياجاتهم.
  • استقطاب ممثلي المبيعات، وتحديد الأهداف، وتدريبهم وتوجيههم، ومتابعة أدائهم بشكل دوري.
  • تحديد نقاط الضعف في المعرفة لدى الفريق والعمل على وضع خطط لتطويرها.
  • ضمان تحقيق حصص الشركة من خلال متابعة يومية مع فريق المبيعات لتحديد الأهداف ومراقبة التقدم.
  • إدارة العمليات الشهرية والسنوية الخاصة بإغلاق المبيعات.

المهارات والمؤهلات المطلوبة

  • خبرة لا تقل عن خمس سنوات في إدارة المبيعات في بيئة عمل مؤسسية.
  • سجل حافل بالنجاح في إدارة عمليات المبيعات بالكامل، من التخطيط إلى إتمام الصفقات.
  • مهارات ممتازة في التواصل، العلاقات الشخصية، والتنظيم.
  • قدرة قيادية متميزة.
  • الاستعداد للسفر بنسبة لا تقل عن 20% من الوقت.

المهارات والمؤهلات المفضلة

  • خبرة في إلقاء المحاضرات التحفيزية.
  • سجل مثبت بالنجاح في تحقيق أهداف المبيعات بمستويات تتجاوز الحصص المحددة.
مدير مبيعات


  • Create and execute a strategic sales plan that expands our customer base and extends the company’s global reach
  • Meet with potential clients and grow long-lasting relationships that address their needs
  • Recruit sales representatives, set objectives, train and coach them, and monitor their performance 
  • Identify knowledge gaps within the team and develop plans for filling them
  • Ensure that company quotas are met by holding daily check-ins with sales team to set objectives and monitor progress
  • Manage the month-end and year-end close processes

Required skills and qualifications

  • Five or more years of experience in managing sales in a corporate setting
  • Proven record of success with the entire sales process, from planning to closing
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills
  • Superb leadership ability
  • Ability to travel at least 20% of the time

Preferred skills and qualifications

  • Motivational speaking experience
  • Proven success rate at levels above sales quota
Software Developer


  • Create and execute a strategic sales plan that expands our customer base and extends the company’s global reach
  • Meet with potential clients and grow long-lasting relationships that address their needs
  • Recruit sales representatives, set objectives, train and coach them, and monitor their performance 
  • Identify knowledge gaps within the team and develop plans for filling them
  • Ensure that company quotas are met by holding daily check-ins with sales team to set objectives and monitor progress
  • Manage the month-end and year-end close processes

Required skills and qualifications

  • Five or more years of experience in managing sales in a corporate setting
  • Proven record of success with the entire sales process, from planning to closing
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills
  • Superb leadership ability
  • Ability to travel at least 20% of the time

Preferred skills and qualifications

  • Motivational speaking experience
  • Proven success rate at levels above sales quota
Senior Software Developer


  • Create and execute a strategic sales plan that expands our customer base and extends the company’s global reach
  • Meet with potential clients and grow long-lasting relationships that address their needs
  • Recruit sales representatives, set objectives, train and coach them, and monitor their performance 
  • Identify knowledge gaps within the team and develop plans for filling them
  • Ensure that company quotas are met by holding daily check-ins with sales team to set objectives and monitor progress
  • Manage the month-end and year-end close processes

Required skills and qualifications

  • Five or more years of experience in managing sales in a corporate setting
  • Proven record of success with the entire sales process, from planning to closing
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills
  • Superb leadership ability
  • Ability to travel at least 20% of the time

Preferred skills and qualifications

  • Motivational speaking experience
  • Proven success rate at levels above sales quota

يرجى تعبئة النموذج التالي

Sales Manager


  • Create and execute a strategic sales plan that expands our customer base and extends the company’s global reach
  • Meet with potential clients and grow long-lasting relationships that address their needs
  • Recruit sales representatives, set objectives, train and coach them, and monitor their performance 
  • Identify knowledge gaps within the team and develop plans for filling them
  • Ensure that company quotas are met by holding daily check-ins with sales team to set objectives and monitor progress
  • Manage the month-end and year-end close processes

Required skills and qualifications

  • Five or more years of experience in managing sales in a corporate setting
  • Proven record of success with the entire sales process, from planning to closing
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills
  • Superb leadership ability
  • Ability to travel at least 20% of the time

Preferred skills and qualifications

  • Motivational speaking experience
  • Proven success rate at levels above sales quota

Software Developer


  • Create and execute a strategic sales plan that expands our customer base and extends the company’s global reach
  • Meet with potential clients and grow long-lasting relationships that address their needs
  • Recruit sales representatives, set objectives, train and coach them, and monitor their performance 
  • Identify knowledge gaps within the team and develop plans for filling them
  • Ensure that company quotas are met by holding daily check-ins with sales team to set objectives and monitor progress
  • Manage the month-end and year-end close processes

Required skills and qualifications

  • Five or more years of experience in managing sales in a corporate setting
  • Proven record of success with the entire sales process, from planning to closing
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills
  • Superb leadership ability
  • Ability to travel at least 20% of the time

Preferred skills and qualifications

  • Motivational speaking experience
  • Proven success rate at levels above sales quota

Senior Software Developer


  • Create and execute a strategic sales plan that expands our customer base and extends the company’s global reach
  • Meet with potential clients and grow long-lasting relationships that address their needs
  • Recruit sales representatives, set objectives, train and coach them, and monitor their performance 
  • Identify knowledge gaps within the team and develop plans for filling them
  • Ensure that company quotas are met by holding daily check-ins with sales team to set objectives and monitor progress
  • Manage the month-end and year-end close processes

Required skills and qualifications

  • Five or more years of experience in managing sales in a corporate setting
  • Proven record of success with the entire sales process, from planning to closing
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, and organizational skills
  • Superb leadership ability
  • Ability to travel at least 20% of the time

Preferred skills and qualifications

  • Motivational speaking experience
  • Proven success rate at levels above sales quota

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